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Steps for Delete Account

Login to Your Account:

Visit the application associated with the account you want to delete.

Log in using your mobile number.

Navigate to Your Profile:

Look for a "Delete Your Profile" option.

Follow the Instructions:

Once you find the account deletion option, the platform may ask you to confirm your decision or provide additional information. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Enter OTP Verification Code:

For security purposes, you may receive a verification code via SMS to confirm your identity.

Review Terms and Consequences:

Some platforms provide information about the consequences of deleting your account, such as the loss of data or access to certain features. Make sure to read and understand these terms.

Confirm Deletion:

After reviewing the terms and confirming your decision, there is usually a final step to permanently delete your account. This might involve clicking a final "Delete" button or similar.

Receive Confirmation:

Once the account deletion process is complete, you should receive a confirmation message. This may be displayed on the screen and it will logout automatically.